Accreditation Organization

The purpose of ESTAC is to take course materials and instructor credentials and evaluate them together to ensure quality, standards and minimal requirements are met. Our board of certified and highly qualified professionals will evaluate and approve, or disapprove an instructor and course for a period of two years.

We Serve Together

How it works

An instructor must submit a copy of his instructor certification to teach the specific course, along with the course materials of the course, and an accreditation request form. The ESTAC Board will meet and approve, disapprove, or place a hold for more information.

The process takes about two weeks to complete, the process is.

  1. Receive application and all documentation.

  2. Verify instructor credentials.

  3. Have the course materials screened by an industry specialist on the board of review.

  4. Issue an accreditation number that is for both the instructor and course. (NOTE) The accreditation number is for that instructor and course only and may not be shared unless a cooperative application is filed.

Accreditation is more than just a seal.
Masters accreditation is even more than just a seal.